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How to Be a Successful Poker Player Feature Toggle Best Practices


A toggle is a button or control that allows users to switch between two opposing states. These are commonly found in user interfaces and can be used to update preferences, settings, or other types of information. When using toggles, make sure that you use clear and direct labels. Additionally, you should avoid using ambiguous wording or phrases like “Do you want to see average price?” Instead, try to include a verb with your label that clearly describes the functionality of the toggle switch (i.e., “Do you want to see prices?”).

Toggle is also a verb that means to alternate between two things at a fast pace: Toggle between stream and map views in your favorite travel app. Or, when video chatting with friends, toggle between one camera and another to share a vantage point from different perspectives.

The term toggle can be applied to both hardware and software switching, as in the keys that turn Caps Lock and Num Lock on or off on your keyboard. It can also refer to a setting that is either on or off, like Facebook’s limited data use toggle.

Toggles are a great option when you need to quickly update your preferences or settings. They take less screen estate than radio buttons and provide a clear visual indication of their state. However, be careful not to overuse them as they can make it harder for your users to scan the screen. When using them, ensure that you have a consistent design and that they deliver immediate results. If you’re using a toggle to update a form field, for example, be sure to provide the user with a Submit button so they can see that their new state has been applied.