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How to Be a Successful Poker Player Feature Toggle Best Practices


Togle is the latest in a long line of time tracking apps. It’s easy to use and available on a wide variety of platforms, making it a great choice for anyone.

A Toggle – What It Is and How it Works

In software, toggles refer to switches that have only two possible outcomes, on or off. They’re found in almost all applications where there are options, preferences and settings lists, as well as in hardware like keyboards, fax machines and other devices that have an on/off switch for specific functions.

A Toggle – How to Manage It

One of the challenges with managing toggle configuration is that it can become fiddly when you have a large number of servers and toggles. To help address this challenge some teams build out a centralized store for Toggle Configuration where all of the toggles are stored and can be accessed by system operators, testers and product managers using an admin UI.

A Toggle – When to Remove It

Some savvy teams view the Feature Toggles in their codebase as inventory which comes with a carrying cost, and seek to keep that stock down. They put removal tasks on their backlogs whenever a Release Toggle is first introduced and set expiration dates for those toggles so they can be removed after their intended lifetime.

A Toggle – Color and State Descriptors

It’s important to have a clear visual signifier for toggle states so users know when they have switched from one state to another. For this reason it’s a good idea to have a high-contrast color, and to include words to describe the change in state.